Monday, April 18, 2011

Thing-a-week: Worth the wait?

This week's (late) thing-a-week is brought to you by the 30-day yoga challenge I'm doing at my yoga studio. For the month of April, I'm going to yoga every day of the week.

Yep, even on the weekend.

I'm feeling better and, yes, getting stronger and more flexible, but many of the changes happening are internal. I think a regular practice is helping me become more resilient to stress. It's getting easier to feel grounded when things around me aren't stellar.

This weekend was a bit rocky. My Nana had a health emergency and was in the hospital (fortunately, she's okay now) and I had car trouble on Sunday (someone slashed my tire while I was grocery shopping).

While both were upsetting, for different reasons, I was able to reconnect to this sense of stillness I'd previously only found on my yoga mat. Increasingly, I'm finding peace off of my mat, in situations that should be rattling me. 

The challenge is also making me more grateful than ever for a healthy body and the privilege (because it is a privilege) of practicing yoga - as well as painting, drawing, walking the dog, doing laundry, writing, editing...the list is long.

What makes you feel grateful?

As usual, check out Mike Kendrick's delightful artistic wanderings at his blog,

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